4 Essential Oils that Can Replace Your Coffee…Save Money and Your Waistline!

Invigorate 21 Drops

Did you know that the average American spends approximately $1,100 a year on coffee? Essential oils are a great way to naturally boost your energy level without hurting your wallet.

Here are 4 essential oils that can help you kick-start your day:

Black Pepper Dried Fruit Oil has motivating and energizing properties.

Cedarwood Wood Oil works to increase strength and endurance and promotes confidence and perseverance. It works great before a work-out or run!

Juniper Fruit Oil energizes and invigorates to give a healthy boost of energy.

Rosemary Leaf Oil stimulates and strengthens mental activity and helps to formulate clear thoughts and encourages clarity.

Essential oils may not be as satisfying as your daily pumpkin spice latte, but they sure are more forgiving on your waistline!

Looking for a simple portable solution? Try our 21 Drops Invigorate blend.

The Invigorate blend fuses the 100% natural essential oils of those listed above. For those times when you are feeling drained and devitalized, or just need a little nudge off the couch, keep Invigorate close at hand. Apply this blend early and often throughout the day to stimulate energy, movement and vitality. Available at all three Simonson’s Salon & Spa locations.
